Young procurement professional of the year

This category will recognise a young procurement professional aged 30 years or younger, and will celebrate their achievements, contributions and their potential as a procurement leader who drives innovation, value and excellence in their organisation and the procurement profession.

Our panel of judges will be looking for evidence of;

· Quantitative and qualitative results and outcomes of the procurement projects or initiatives that they have led or participated in, such as cost savings, value creation, innovation, quality, risk reduction, sustainability, etc.

· Testimonials and feedback from internal and external stakeholders, such as CPC members, senior management, associated suppliers etc that highlight their performance, delivery, and service, as well as their skills, competencies, and behaviours.

· Awards, recognitions, and certifications that they have received or achieved, either individually or as part of a team, from their organisation or professional body.

· Examples of their leadership, influence, and impact, both within and outside the procurement function, such as mentoring, coaching, training, networking, volunteering, etc.

· Examples of their continuous learning and development, such as pursuing further education, qualifications, or courses, attending events, webinars, or podcasts, reading books, articles, or blogs, etc.