Best innovation

This category that recognises the most creative, original, and impactful procurement projects that have delivered significant value, impact and innovation for our members and wider stakeholders. This category rewards suppliers who have implemented successful projects, such as a sourcing project, a digital transformation project, a sustainability project, or a supplier innovation project, using innovative and best practice approaches, methods, and tools.

Our panel of judges will be looking for evidence of;

· The novelty and uniqueness of the innovation idea or concept.

· The value proposition and benefits of the innovation for the business and its stakeholders, such as cost savings, revenue growth, customer satisfaction, quality, reliability, flexibility, responsiveness, etc.

· Evidence of the innovation performance, delivery, and service, such as metrics, feedback, testimonials, awards, etc.

· The differentiation and competitive advantage of the innovation in the market and the industry.

· The sustainability and social responsibility of the innovation, such as environmental, social, and ethical practices and impacts.